Alderman Hughes-Penney Shrieval Nomination

I am delighted to have received the Court of Aldermen's nomination for the Shrievalty beginning in September 2025.

Following my re-election as the Alderman for the Ward of Cheap in early 2024, I am delighted to have received the nomination for the Shrievalty beginning in September 2025, subject to election. I continue to see it as a pleasure and a privilege to use my experience and perspective to serve the City in this ancient office whilst continuing to serve our Ward and this great City, by leading the Ward's civic team, with a particular focus on the following:

  • Supporting the Lord Mayor in promoting the City and UK financial and professional services.
  • Representing the Lord Mayor at official events to promote the City and everything that it does.
  • Participating in the City of London Corporation business by serving on Committees, representing the values and offerings that the City has to offer.
  • Seeking opportunities to widen the reach of the Court of Aldermen and marketing the work of the City of London Corporation at home and abroad.
  • Working collegiately with colleagues on the Court of Aldermen for the benefit of the City and those it impacts.
  • Hosting His Majesty’s Judges and guests at the Old Bailey on behalf of the Lord Mayor.

I started working in the City more than 30 years ago and, I believe wholeheartedly that its role is one of service - as individuals to the City, as companies to our clients and as the City to the nation as a whole.

Every day I seek to remember that for each transaction or communication I am part of in my professional life, there is an individual for whom it is deeply important. Perhaps it is helping them to save for a well-earned holiday, for their retirement, a new car or to buy their first home. It may simply be to create a little more security for their loved ones in an uncertain world. This is a view I carry through to my role as Alderman and seek to expand upon in that capacity.

Please click here to see my official profile including my committee appointments at The City of London Corporation.

Contact Me

Thank you for your interest.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss any Ward matters in person,

please call 07784 298187 or email me at


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Leading the world

The Corporation of London plays a vital role in supporting and promoting London as the world’s leading financial and business centre, partnering with local communities to increase opportunities for all Londoners, and enhancing the capital as a culture hub. It is headed by the Lord Mayor, who with the other elected members, comprising Aldermen and Common Councillors make up the Court of Common Council that is the Corporation’s primary decision-making assembly. My belief is that the City and all its constituent parts play an essential role in setting the standard, leading the way and influencing ethical and effective global business practices to the benefit of all. Click here to see how the Corporation makes decisions.

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Meeting Challenges

The City of London plays a pivotal role in supporting society and the global effort to address challenges, from the cost-of-living to climate change. Alongside these, the City must continue to learn to adapt to a future outside of the European Union, cope with a growing regulatory burden and address the increasingly unsustainable levels of public, private and personal debts that are widening divisions within society. As your elected representative, I am prioritising these issues and mobilising the City to find creative solutions, championing the need for a plan for economic growth for the nation, as well as growth in productivity in the City. For example, I have been heartened by initiatives such as the launch of the Mansion House Compact, which aims to have 5% of pension assets invested in future growth companies to deliver stronger growth for pension funds and thus more comfortable retirements for pensioners.

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A Thriving City

For the City to thrive in the future, we must make some important adjustments. As we embrace the merits of remote and flexible working, we must also ensure that our urban centre does not become less relevant and is instead utilised more intelligently to add value to professional life. Crucially, there is an imperative to restore the City’s reputation as a bastion of society’s interests by improving standards of conduct in financial services and expanding its charitable contributions. Since the pandemic, we have seen several measures come into play that work towards these goals, but there is more to be done. By serving on the Finance Committee overseeing the management of the City’s multi-million finances, sitting on the Board of the Impact Investing Institute and welcoming a host of other conferences and events that bring together those with the capacity to drive change, I am confident in our collective ability to make a positive difference.

My Commitment

I have long believed in the importance of the financial and political sectors to enhance life experiences for individuals and society. Having started work in the City more than 30 years ago, and served in elected office for nearly 14 years, I am more certain and committed to that endeavour than ever.

To date, I have received so much from the City of London: education at a Livery school; a grant from the Lord Mayor’s 800th-anniversary trust for a life-changing mission trip to South America; a stimulating career, and the opportunity to provide for my family. With that in mind, I have sought to give back, to help it to grow and prosper.

There are significant challenges stemming from global turbulence, the cost-of-living crisis and other more. However, I believe that economic stability is a fundamental humanitarian provision and herein the City, which has a profound impact on the economy in London, the UK and the world around us, has a powerful role to play.

I am a firm believer that, with wisdom borne of centuries of experience, the City is primed to remain the world’s leading financial, legal, and professional services centre, even reaching new heights if we are prudent and conscious with our approach.

I hope this is something I contribute to in my position as Alderman of the Ward of Cheap. It’s a role that gives me a deeply felt opportunity to bring together my personal and professional experience in a way that contributes to the wellbeing of those within the City of London and all those connected to it, in the constant pursuit of a better future.

The latest civic, ward news and and my opinions