News and Views
2023 has been a privilege to serve with my team at the Ward of Cheap and City of London. We've achieved significant milestones. I wrote a letter reflecting on our journey and accomplishments.

04 February 2025
Cheapside gets upgrade
We welcome that the City of London Corporation today has approved plans to improve Cheapside allowing taxis access through the bus gate, and invest in public realm enhancement measures around the bus gate such as new planters, seating and greenery. This is in addition to plans to create a new…
28 January 2025
A proven team with the skills & commitment to lead Cheap’s next chapter
As your local Councillors, we are grateful for the opportunity to represent this great community. This is why Nick, Tijs and Alastair announced their intention to stand for re-election at the upcoming local elections on 20 March in the City of London. We are proud of our achievements and have…
26 January 2025
Buzzing reception at Goldsmiths’ Hall
It was fantastic to welcome so many local City workers, businesses, livery companies and residents to our annual New Year’s Reception at the wonderful Goldsmiths’ Hall. Over 70 local people joined us to meet others in the Ward of Cheap community. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and overwhelming offers…
21 January 2025
Fantastic Ward Club installation dinner
Our Alderman Robert Hughes-Penney was installed as President of our Ward of Cheap Club. Common Councillor Tijs Broeke had the honour to say Grace and Deputy Alastair Moss spoke about the strong bond that ties us together as a community and civic team. It was a very enjoyable evening with…
13 February 2024
A Message from the Newly Elected Alderman of the Ward of Cheap Club
I'm deeply grateful and honored to serve as the newly elected Alderman for the Ward of Cheap, appreciating your trust and support. Over the past six years, I've navigated changes globally, serving our community through initiatives like the Ward of Cheap Business Breakfasts and representing impactful investments. I'm humbled by the support shown in my re-election and am committed to serving the Ward and the City to the best of my abilities. Thank you for this opportunity, and I eagerly anticipate continuing our work together.
More24 March 2020
Working together to help the City of London navigate the present and into recovery
Recent weeks, and in particular the events of last week, have understandably caused high levels of anxiety. Naturally, we all have questions, and having worked with my colleagues to try to find some tangible answers for everyone within the Ward of Cheap.
More25 January 2020
Business Breakfast At Saddlers' Hall With Guest Speaker Renowned Economist Julian Jessop Discussing "Life After Brexit"
The Ward of Cheap Club and Alderman Robert Hughes-Penney invited members of the Club to a Business Breakfast in partnership with the Cheapside Business Alliance kindly hosted at Saddlers' Hall with Party Ingredients Event Catering

03 December 2024
Justice for the accused - are we doing right by society?
Innocent until proven guilty, or the presumption of innocence, has been a hallmark of the UK's legal system for a long time. However, while it's no secret that the justice system is currently under enormous strain, this basic principle on which so much is built is being severely compromised.
14 November 2024
Advancing UK as a Hub for Sustainable Investments
Robert Hughes-Penney addresses the role of private equity and venture capital in growing the UK’s impact investment market.
15 October 2024
In the interests of justice
As Alderman Gregory Jones KC takes up his position as aldermanic Sheriff for the upcoming year, making him the first KC to be appointed sheriff in some 900 years. Having also been delighted to receive the nomination for the shrievalty in 11 months time, I have been reflecting on the realms of law and justice in support of the current sheriff as well as considering my own personal belief in it as a core value within our society.
24 September 2024
Charity & Philanthropy Colloquy – Tuesday 24th September
I was honoured to represent the Lord Mayor at the Charity & Philanthropy Colloquy at Mansion House. This event brought together experts and key figures to explore transformative philanthropy and new approaches to modern charity. As part of Alderman Michael Mainelli's 'Connect to Prosper' theme, we engaged in thought-provoking discussions aimed at advancing charitable efforts.
14 June 2024
Representative Lord Mayor IMCT Dinner Speech Weds 29th May
I had the privilege to represent the Lord Mayor at the Inaugural Gala Dinner, a joint initiative between the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI GWC), the Guild, and the charity (The Investment Managers' Charitable Trust), on 29th May at the beautiful Haberdashers' Hall. I was deeply humbled to receive an award from the SWFI Chair, Lakshmi Narayanan, recognising the importance of our collaborative efforts.
06 June 2024
We owe our forebears more than remembrance on D-Day
The people we celebrate and commemorate on this, the 80th D-Day anniversary, paid an enormous price to protect what we consider to be the most basic of liberties. They are freedoms that plenty of people in today's world still don't enjoy. It's my wholehearted hope that we never have to ask for that kind of commitment from anyone ever again, but we also owe it to those who have given so much of themselves before us, not to simply remember, but to proactively protect and appreciate the gifts that they gave us.
28 May 2024
Creating the UK's financial future
Now is the time to generate greater enthusiasm for the British market, not only by showcasing it on the world stage, but by enabling and empowering individuals across the UK to invest in it, become engaged with it and thereby igniting greater entrepreneurial activity. Here are some of my thoughts as to how.
09 May 2024
Insights From The Canadian Indigenous Investment Summit
Get to know the highlights from the Canadian Indigenous Investment Summit 2024, featuring key insights from Alderman Robert Hughes Penney.
24 April 2024
Falling into the advice gap
I think preserving the City’s tradition as a place where people can come from all walks of life to make their fortune should be a collective aspiration that not only embraces those who work here, but those who seek to invest here as well. To achieve that, we have to address the advice gap when it comes to financial choices.
10 April 2024
Considering your feedback on the nation's financial health
Last month I wrote about some of my views on the nation's financial health and areas of potential focus for improvement. Many of you kindly gave both positive and thoughtful feedback with points that certainly develop that conversation, some of which I wanted to take time to respond to.
04 March 2024
Improving the nation's financial health
One of my great passions is enabling financial independence and autonomy, which I think requires greater access to financial education and a collective review of our attitude towards debt. I have put down some thoughts in this article and would be interested in your perspective.
20 December 2023
2023 Year End Review: A Snapshot of Our Year's Success
2023 has been a privilege to serve with my team at the Ward of Cheap and City of London. We've achieved significant milestones. I wrote a letter reflecting on our journey and accomplishments.
28 November 2023
The power of an international perspective
The City of London is part of a global community, and while its societal function is primarily focused on fiscal responsibility and betterment, the impact of doing that well is wide reaching. In the pursuit of a better world, the City has a profound role to play. Here are my thoughts.
21 November 2023
Livery Education Conference
Alderman Robert Hughes-Penney passionately addresses the 10th Livery Education Conference, highlighting the diverse history of education, emphasising the need for well-rounded character development alongside academic learning, and expressing gratitude to the City's livery companies for their enduring support in shaping generations of young minds.
14 November 2023
The City's purpose - past, present and future
As Rathbones completes its combination with Investec Wealth & Investment UK, it's gives me cause for a moment of positive reflection on how the successes of individual institutions in the City belong to everyone in a nationwide financial ecosystem that serves people across the country.
03 October 2023
A City of golden opportunity, not silver spoons
This month marks the 30th anniversary of my first day working in the City of London, and it continues to not only be a privilege to work here, but a great joy as well. I am acutely aware of how much the City has given me, and how important it is to make sure it's a place where the front door is as wide as possible for anyone with genuine talent, aptitude and commitment. It's a heritage and a future that I think we should all aspire to.
12 September 2023
Ethics and economics are not mutually exclusive
Repaying loans whilst generating growth, helping individuals to have autonomy over their own financial success, creating transparency in the UK’s shareholding framework - could a different cultural attitude to debt create a healthier economy?
19 July 2023
Are we approaching AI in the City thoughtfully?
AI promises so much to The City and the UK – new jobs, new opportunities, new growth - all things we need and want to encourage, but we need to remember that in amongst it all, we are still human.
07 June 2023
Empowering the individual: remembering that work and community are about people
Last month I wrote about the value of shared wisdom and community within the City and beyond. Whilst such philosophical reflections are interesting, there is a point at which one asks - how does this all relate to our daily experiences and tangible goals?
18 May 2023
London City Mission Reception – Mansion House
An uplifting and thought-provoking message, shedding light on the compassionate endeavours of the London City Mission.
25 April 2023
Individuality and community: the value of shared wisdom
To make sure the City of London operates at its best in the coming wisdom age, serving the nation and doing genuine good across the country and beyond, we need to listen to all parts of the society we serve for inspiration and greatest levels of interdependence so that we're not just self-serving or existing in an echo chamber. Inspired in part by Stephen Covey’s, The 8th Habit, I think there’s enormous opportunity for the City going forwards.
10 March 2023
City of London Wealth Management Awards
The City of London Wealth Management Awards (COLWMA) promote, acknowledge and reward the quality of service provided by Wealth Managers. COLWMA is unique in that the winners in each category are determined by the investors themselves who cast votes online via the Goodacre website. In 2022, some 45,000 votes were cast from members of the investing public.
23 February 2023
Reflecting on the Rules for the Conduct of Life
Reflecting on the Reverend Canon David Parrott's revised publication of the legendary book, the Rules for the Conduct of Life, there are lots of lessons we can learn for navigating current challenges with human decency and commercial integrity.
10 January 2023
Trade is the first line of defence
With my own military background, now viewed through the lens of a career in the City, I believe trade delegates and our armed forces have an important role to play in working towards a positive future for the UK as well as our international allies.
12 December 2022
Looking forward with hope - economically
As the FTSE 250 Index celebrates it's 30th anniversary, it's a time for reflection on theist and looking forward with hope for the economy.
31 October 2022
The City and ‘serving the nations’
The City of London has an important and powerful role to play in supporting the UK and our international allies at this moment in time. Its economic importance cannot be underestimated, and while its position when things are good is important, its skills, expertise, power and values are even more poignant when times are hard. For me, the role of The City is about service - as individuals to The City, as companies to our clients, and as The City to the nation and the world. Now, more than ever, we have an opportunity to serve.
11 October 2022
How The City can support individuals across the UK
The City is a centre of commerce and trade, but it’s ultimately here to serve people. By thinking about it that way, I think we do our jobs better, more compassionately, we serve the community as a whole, and we remain focused on the higher purpose of everything we do.
04 October 2022
200 years of independence in Brazil
Having been born in Brazil, it is a country that I have much affection for, and so it was a particular delight to join The Ambassador of Brazil, Mr Fred Arruda, and Mrs Lenice Arruda, at Cadogan Hall for a celebratory concert to mark the 200th anniversary of Brazil's independence last month.
03 October 2022
Annual Report Launch speech 2022
Robert Hughes-Penney, Alderman of the Ward of Cheap, thanked all who came to celebrate the CBA Annual Report launch for 2022. The work of the ward had been focused on building community among workers and businesses in the City. In collaboration with the CBA and the City of London, the ward will continue to work toward maximising efforts to support London's businesses and increase economic prosperity.
14 July 2022
Manchester Metropolitan University Graduation
It is a day for celebration. The Bridgewater Hall is full of students and families celebrating their achievements, and as I stand here I can feel the sense of pride, hope and ambition that radiates off these new graduates.
14 June 2022
What kind of place do we want The City to be?
I wanted to take a moment to think about the role we can play as a community in the City of London to ensure a compassionate environment in which we live and work.
29 March 2022
Is tradition still relevant in The City?
Tradition is a big part of the City of London - its structure, its governance, its architecture, and in plenty of the annual rituals and ceremonies. The question is, are they still relevant or is it just pomp and circumstance?
10 February 2022
An incubator for world-leading innovation
The City of London has always been a place of growth and innovation, and post pandemic data shows that it’s continuing to honour that tradition.
06 February 2022
Patronal Service of St Vedast-alias-Foster
Alderman Robert Hughes-Penney's Address at the Patronal Service of St Vedast on 7th February 2022
24 December 2021
Finding balance in the City of London
While the big picture when it comes to finance is looking cautiously optimistic, it's important to remember the individuals and personal plights that surround us. However, I also hope that the overarching economic view can provide some sense of encouragement for all as we look to a new year.
30 November 2021
Spears 500, Recommended 2021 HNW Wealth Manager
The Spears Index includes a range of advisers dedicated to looking after private client funds. Spears rank UHNW and HNW wealth managers, private bankers and the leading recruitment consultants that work in this area. As well as London one can also find their recommendations of advisers in financial centres such as Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Channel Islands.
30 November 2021
Supercharging the UK’s communities
Levelling up isn't just about government supporting community - it comes from community as well, with each individual, business, and organisation doing its bit where it can.
11 November 2021
Hughes-Penney's at the Bank of England’s Act of Remembrance
Arranged by the Bank of England Christian Union and the Bank Employees That Served network
26 October 2021
A City of compassion on a global scale
When we think of the City, we think of commerce, business and career ladders, but community, charity and compassion also play a significant role both within the City itself and as part of its global endeavours.
20 September 2021
Back to school in the City of London
This year, September’s traditional ‘back to school’ mantra takes on new significance, as for many it’s not only a return to the classroom but also a return to the office in the City of London.
27 April 2021
South Africa's National Day and Future Trade Opportunities
Today, Tuesday 27th April, marks South Africa’s National Day, otherwise known as the National Freedom Day
07 December 2020
The City of London’s Commitment to Charity
As we enter the Christmas period, and with it the season of thinking of others, generosity and making gifts, I would like to reflect on some of the charitable activities undertaken in the City.

27 October 2020
ESG and Impact Investment Space Future
This month marks the end of my four-year tenure on the board of Investing for Good, an impact-driven sustainable and social finance intermediary. Founded in 2004, Investing for Good has a mission to grow the pool of investment capital that is mobilised for social purpose, resulting in measurable benefits for society. My departure seems like an appropriate time to reflect on the recent evolution of this investment space and look ahead to its future in light of the global pandemic.
20 October 2020
Now is the time for leadership and progress
Over the course of the last eight months we have relied heavily on the use of digital communications. In many ways we have probably leapt forward in a matter of weeks what would otherwise have taken years, and in many places, this has been very effective. However, the way we have been operating cannot be a complete or a permanent alternative to the economic, social and infrastructural value of the traditional way we do business in the UK and its economic heartland, The City of London.
16 October 2020
The City Prayer Breakfast 2020
The 2020 Annual City Prayer Breakfast was recently held on Wednesday 14 October 2020 and because of COVID restriction was held virtually.
04 October 2020
Results and Relationship: Reimagining Success
For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges into view that we never saw coming.
22 July 2020
A time for patience and practical considerations
It has now been four months since many of us left our offices in the City of London to work from home, and while 'normality' is still some way off, it is a good time to reflect on what has been achieved as well as what we can, need and want to do moving forward.
25 March 2020
Message from the Alderman of the Ward of Cheap
Recent weeks, and in particular the events of last week, have understandably caused high levels of anxiety. Firstly, for the health and wellbeing of our friends and loved ones, and also because of the impact coronavirus is having on businesses and jobs in the City and across the UK.
28 January 2020
Guild of Investment Managers Annual & Civic Dinner
Welcome Speech At The First Annual Dinner
20 December 2019
City's Investment Managers Guild
The Guild of Investment Managers was set up in 2015 and has the ultimate aim of becoming the Worshipful Company of Investment Managers – joining the City of London’s 110 existing livery companies.

19 June 2019
Partnership project between Theos and St Paul’s Institute.
I am pleased to be a Theos Supporter to help shape the conversation to show how Christianity, and faith, are part of the solution for a better society – not part of the problem. They have recently published a very insightful report.
05 November 2018
A Rich Tapestry of Communities
The City of London is a location and an environment that to many looks to be as impersonal as they come - filled with imposing office blocks and impenetrable reception desks backed up by security. But behind this façade, as I discovered on my route to becoming an Alderman of the City of London in July 2018, there is a rich tapestry of communities.
31 December 2017
Spears List Of Top Wealth Managers
Click here for the profile on the Spears' list.